An exceedinly biased and slanted report with the conclusions not drwen rom the evidence described, but concluded by the author as the basis for the writings.

As example, following the description of the CCPA Gender Gap Index, without evidence, it is concluded that that there is 100% male dominance. I could suggest from the tones of the complete essay, that it may equally be concluded thaat it is 100% Female dominance.

Such biasis does not detract from the conclusion, it completely 100% NEGATES that statement of 100% male dominance.

I would appreciate an opinion on this by the Editorial Board of "The Orchard".

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The report doesn't conclude there's 100% male dominance anywhere.

"The higher the score on the index, the more gender equality there is, so a score of 100% means full gender parity, whereas a score of 0% means total male domination."

There is no area that scored 0%.

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