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It's been... weird. I run a much smaller newsletter so my subscribers grow by single digits every month, but its been hard to get that reach since I've shifted my Twitter posting to Bluesky. I've also noticed some publications I usually pitch to have a lower output, and it's speculation but I think its in relation to Bill C-18 and its effects. But I would say that the Twitter factor's biggest impact is in the margins. I was just ramping up my following before Musk began destroying the platform, so it's more of a "what could have been" than a "Here are the tangible negative effects." It's frustrating.

Regardless, excellent and detailed answer! I've looked into getting a separate url for The Catch but I think I'll pursue that once I'm out of school and do it more full-time. But good to know that you're not completely devastated, even if there have been speed bumps.

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