Canada’s public broadcaster spends an awful lot of time talking about the hardships of 'small landlords' who are unable to evict their tenants in a timely fashion.
And today's Maritime Noon phone in out of Halifax, the host gave nearly 10 min to a landlord or someone who ran a commercial air b&B who was complaining that any restriction or law restricting their business is unfair. The city of Hfx is "thinking" about some restrictions. But others who called in to say there should be rules about these landlords who have taken more than 3400 flats and houses off the rental market.
And today's Maritime Noon phone in out of Halifax, the host gave nearly 10 min to a landlord or someone who ran a commercial air b&B who was complaining that any restriction or law restricting their business is unfair. The city of Hfx is "thinking" about some restrictions. But others who called in to say there should be rules about these landlords who have taken more than 3400 flats and houses off the rental market.